Thursday, September 12, 2024

Victor de Beauclair’s last climb

Book review: Emil Zopfi’s new documentary novel recreates a tragic story from the Belle Époque of climbing and ballooning

But were they really a pair? Visitors who step into Zermatt’s churchyard see them at once – the twin headstones leaning tenderly towards each other, one for Irmgard Schiess (b.1903) and the other for Victor de Beauclair (b. 1874). Both died on 15 August 1929, “am Matterhorn”. Noting the age gap of almost three decades between this ill-fated rope team, most visitors just sigh, shake their heads and move on – leaving the question unanswered.

The gravestones of Irmgard Schiess and Victor de Beauclair

But not Emil Zopfi, a prominent Swiss writer on mountains and mountaineering. Taking as his challenge the almost complete lack of accessible public information about the couple – just try Googling them – he has recreated their lives and times in a documentary novel, Victors letzte Fahrt (Victor’s last climb). Along the way, he sheds plentiful light on the origins of ski-mountaineering, high-altitude balloon flying, and alpine climbing without guides.

Victor de Beauclair in 1898

Despite the French-sounding surname, Victor de Beauclair was born in Cantagalo, Brazil, where his father, an expatriate German doctor, had a practice. The family returned to Germany in 1878, settling in Freiburg im Breisgau, not far from the Swiss border. Zopfi suggests that this early deracination left de Beauclair somehow adrift – he never gave up his Brazilian passport, never married and never stayed long at any address.

In 1892, de Beauclair started his first year at Zurich University. His medical studies did not prosper, then or later. A glance at his alpinistic record suggests why. By 1896, de Beauclair had started to build up an impressive list of both summer and winter ascents. This was the year when he made the first ever ski ascent of a Swiss three-thousander, the Oberalpstock, with Wilhelm Paulcke, Peter Steinweg and Erwin Baur.

On the Oberalpstock in 1896:
From left to right: de Beauclair, Steinweg, Baur, Paulcke

Another notable first was the first ski traverse of the Bernese Oberland’s central glaciers, undertaken over four days in January 1897 with Paulcke and three more companions. Again, Paulcke was the moving spirit, having pioneered ski-mountaineering in the mountains around Freiburg. The geologist even designed his own improved ski binding for the Oberland tour – one of the book’s revelations is that modern alpine ski-touring was effectively invented in the Black Forest.

The Bernese Oberland traverse team:
From left to right: Paulcke, de Beauclair, Mönnichs, Ehlert, Lohmüller

As a member of this Freiburg-based group, de Beauclair soon became an acknowledged expert and evangelist (“Wanderprediger”) for ski-mountaineering. In 1899, he was elected into the Academic Alpine Club of Zurich, a club set up a few years before specifically for student alpinists who preferred to climb without professional guides. 

Two years later, de Beauclair helped to found the Skiclub Zürichs, serving as its first president – later he co-founded the Schweizer Skiverband, a national federation, too. And in 1902, in a neat twist on the guideless theme, he ran the first ski course for the Bergführer of Zermatt.

Pioneering a new mountain sport came with the inevitable nemesis. In January 1899, during a ski-tour on the Susten Pass, an avalanche overwhelmed Gustav Mönnichs and Reinhold Ehlert, two of de Beauclair’s companions on the Oberland traverse. De Beauclair spent several days that winter searching for them, but the bodies appeared only when the snow melted in June.

Yet it may have been a summer accident that more decisively changed the trajectory of de Beauclair’s career. In 1907, an afternoon storm trapped three prominent AACZ members near the Matterhorn’s summit, one of them dying during the forced overnight bivouac. Zopfi suggests that the accident helped to hasten de Beauclair’s drift away from the club’s orbit. 

In any case, he’d already made his final breach with Zurich University – without qualifying as a doctor – and he’d taken up a new form of high-altitude pioneering. In fact, de Beauclair’s first flight with his new gas-filled balloon “Cognac” had taken place as early as August 1906. A companion on two of these early flights was Heinrich Spoerry, the AACZ member who would perish on the Matterhorn the following summer.

"Cognac" at the "Eigergletscher" station, 1908

In 1908, “Cognac” lifted off from the meadows beside the Eiger rack-railway’s Eigergletscher station and landed the following day at Gignese in Italy. Depending on how one defines the term, this was the first transalpine flight by any kind of aircraft. Alas, the following year, the balloon was lost at sea after another transalpine flight, when de Beauclair had to ditch it in the Gulf of Genoa. This reverse didn’t stop him from co-founding a Zurich-based club that is still flying gas balloons more than a century later.

He kept climbing too. In 1911, he made a first ascent on the west face of the Mönch, one of the Bernese Oberland’s four-thousanders, in the company of the guide Fritz Steuri, who would later win fame with Maki “Yūkō” Aritsune on the Eiger’s Mittellegi Ridge. There was also a professional reason to focus on this region, since he was now working as the secretary of the Jungfraubahn rack-railway company. Then, all too suddenly, the Belle Époque was over.

Since records for the 1914-17 period are thin, it’s hard to say whether Victor de Beauclair had a good war. As a Brazilian national, he was exempt from the fighting. But many of his former climbing companions found themselves in uniform, whether in neutral Switzerland or in the armies of the warring powers. Several failed to return from the conflict, and those who did had experienced things that would forever put a distance between them and their former climbing partner.

When the smoke cleared, the world had changed. Balloons were “cold coffee”; now it was heavier-than-air craft, piloted by younger men, who made the dramatic flights over the Alps. But de Beauclair was still an acknowledged alpinist, and it was as a rope partner and ski tour leader that he got to know Irmgard Schiess and her twin sister, Herta (known to family and friends as Spatzi and Hatzi) together with their father, Erhard, also a keen mountaineer.

And so we come to 15 August 1929, when de Beauclair reached the summit of the Matterhorn with Herta, Irmgard and the guide Andreas Kohler. Descending in two rope pairs, the party was already within sight of safe ground when de Beauclair pulled on a loose rock and fell down the east face with his rope partner, Irmgard. “Once again the Sphinx of Zermatt has demanded her toll …” began the eulogy written by a friend and quoted in full by Zopfi.

It would have been a considerable feat just to ferret out the facts of de Beauclair’s life, of which the above is the barest summary. But Zopfi has done much more – he has fashioned these facts into a convincing narrative arc.

Writing in the dramatic present, and ranging boldly back and forth through time, he assembles a series of tableaux that gradually build up a portrait of the protagonist and other dramatis personae. Everything moves inexorably and logically towards that fatal rendezvous in Zermatt.

As in a well-crafted film, the focus changes constantly. Some scenes are recreated in exquisite detail, elsewhere an entire world war passes by in a couple of pages. In part, this zoom technique reflects the variety and variability of Zopfi’s sources – books, archives, genealogies, and conversations with descendant families – for the source materials are part of his narrative too.

In this, he is ahead of the game. At the very university once attended by Victor de Beauclair, a current professor of modern history calls for “a greater acknowledgement of authorial metadata in the writing of history” – in other words, historians should be more open about how they go about selecting and using their archives.*

This is exactly how Zopfi works. The author is present in his work, starting with an account of his own fateful encounter with the “Sphinx of Zermatt” in the summer of 1964. And so are his sources: take the scenes in the book’s early pages in which he recreates the Whitsun weekend of 1929 when de Beauclair led a ski-touring group that also included the Schiess twins. “And you, my young friend, will write up this trip,” says the fictional de Beauclair, clapping a young writer named Alfred Graber on the shoulder. Of course he will. For it is Graber’s memoir that Zopfi will tap for this scene, almost a century in the future.

Victors letzte Fahrt is the work of a master craftsman. Or Zopfi might perhaps prefer the analogy of a gifted route-finder, given that he spent many years at the extreme end of the Swiss climbing scene. The narrative technique is polished, and the action, as in all the best novels, driven by psychological insight. The book should be read by anybody interested in “how it was” within alpinistic circles during that faraway era.

After all that, may we still ask if Victor de Beauclair and Irmgard Schiess were really a pair? Suffice it to say that Zopfi addresses the question with the subtlety that the sources demand and allow. And circling back to those twin gravestones in Zermatt, he concludes the book with a thunderclap revelation. As to its nature, your reviewer isn’t saying. You’ll have to read the book for yourself ….


Victors letzte Fahrt (Victor’s last climb) is a biographical novel by Emil Zopfi, published in 2023 by AS Verlag, Zurich (269 pages, German language). It includes an appendix with a comprehensive chronology of Victor de Beauclair’s life, lists of persons, families involved, and a comprehensive bibliography.

*See epilogue in Martin Dusinberre, Mooring the Global Archive: A Japanese Ship and its Migrant Histories, Cambridge University Press, 2023.

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